Abstract: A design pattern which allows you to “inject” the return type of an abstract method from a subclass in C++, C#, and Java
Edit 2018-01-31: Some well learned folks over at /r/programming have identified this as F-Bounded Quantification, and more colloquially as the Curiously recurring template pattern.
Have you ever needed to create say a family of builders all with common methods on and also wanted to use a fluent style for the builders?
You may have found yourself doing things like defining protected “do” methods to perform the common functions on the abstract base class and then wrapping those on your concrete subclasses, like this:
abstract class AbstractBuilder {
protected void DoAddSomeStuff() {
class FooBuilder : AbstractBuilder {
public FooBuilder AddSomeStuff() {
return this;
It would be super nice if the compiler could magically figure out that I want to return the subclass type… in C++ this is pretty trivial:
template <class T, class R> class AbstractBuilder {
T* instance;
instance = new T();
T* Build(){
return instance;
R* DoSomething() {
// ...
return dynamic_cast<R*>(this);
virtual ~AbstractBuilder() {}
class FooBuilder : public AbstractBuilder<Foo,FooBuilder> {
Calling DoSomething
will return a pointer to FooBuilder
But C# and Java are a bit more strict when it comes to type casting… so how does one achieve this in those languages?
Being a little more strict on type casting, the solution in C# is to provide a marker interface that will allow you to constrain your builder type to actually a Builder of the type you want to build.
This way your abstract base class implements the marker interface and constrains R
to that type:
interface IBuilder<T>
abstract class AbstractBuilder<T,R> : IBuilder<T>
where R: class, IBuilder<T>
where T: new()
protected T instance;
public AbstractBuilder()
instance = new T();
public T Build()
return instance;
public R DoSomething()
return this as R;
This works because it allows you to specify that the type R
is type compatible with AbstractBuilder
without actually being the AbstractBuilder. The compiler wont allow you to static cast this
up to R
, but you can use the safe casting which will always work provided your implementing classes specify themselves as type R
The same trick for C# also works in Java, although there are few Java-isms to to get the equivalent behaviour we have for our C#, specifcally providing the abstract method for getting the instance (although this isn’t really an issue for the pattern).
interface Builder<T> { }
static abstract class AbstractBuilder<T,R extends Builder<T>> implements Builder<T> {
protected T instance;
protected abstract T factory();
public AbstractBuilder() {
instance = factory();
public T build() {
return instance;
public R doSomething(){
R result = (R)this;
return result;
Bringing it All Together
I’ve provided complete working single file examples for C++, C# and Java below.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class ObjectBase {
string ObjectString;
class Foo : public ObjectBase {
string FooValue;
class Bar : public ObjectBase {
string BarValue;
template <class T, class R> class AbstractBuilder {
T* instance;
instance = new T();
T* Build(){
cout << "building" << endl;
return instance;
R* DoSomething() {
ObjectBase* base = dynamic_cast<ObjectBase*>(instance);
if (base){
base->ObjectString = "From AbstractBuilder";
cout << "Doing something from base" << endl;
return dynamic_cast<R*>(this);
virtual ~AbstractBuilder() {}
class FooBuilder : public AbstractBuilder<Foo, FooBuilder> {
FooBuilder* FooSpecific() {
instance->FooValue = "From FooBuilder";
cout << "foo specific" << endl;
return this;
virtual ~FooBuilder() {}
class BarBuilder : public AbstractBuilder<Bar, BarBuilder> {
BarBuilder* BarSpecific() {
instance->BarValue = "From BarBuilder";
cout << "bar specific" << endl;
return this;
virtual ~BarBuilder() {};
int main()
FooBuilder fooBuilder = FooBuilder();
BarBuilder barBuilder = BarBuilder();
Foo* foo = fooBuilder.DoSomething()->FooSpecific()->Build();
Bar* bar = barBuilder.DoSomething()->BarSpecific()->Build();
cout << foo->ObjectString << endl << bar->ObjectString << endl;
cout << foo->FooValue << endl << bar->BarValue << endl;
return 0;
using System;
namespace TypeInjectionDemo
interface IBuilder<T>
abstract class AbstractBuilder<T,R> : IBuilder<T>
where R: class, IBuilder<T>
where T: ObjectBase, new()
protected T instance;
public AbstractBuilder()
instance = new T();
public T Build()
return instance;
public R DoSomething()
instance.ObjectString = "From AbstractBuilder";
return this as R;
abstract class ObjectBase
public string ObjectString;
class Foo : ObjectBase
public string FooValue;
class FooBuilder : AbstractBuilder<Foo, FooBuilder>
public FooBuilder FooSpecific()
instance.FooValue = "From FooBuilder";
return this;
class Bar : ObjectBase
public string BarValue;
class BarBuilder : AbstractBuilder<Bar, BarBuilder>
public BarBuilder BarSpecific()
instance.BarValue = "From BarBuilder";
return this;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var fooBuilder = new FooBuilder();
var barBuilder = new BarBuilder();
Foo foo = fooBuilder.DoSomething().FooSpecific().Build();
Bar bar = barBuilder.DoSomething().BarSpecific().Build();
public class Main {
interface Builder<T> {
static abstract class AbstractBuilder<T extends ObjectBase,R extends Builder<T>> implements Builder<T> {
protected T instance;
protected abstract T factory();
public AbstractBuilder() {
instance = factory();
public T build() {
return instance;
public R doSomething(){
instance.objectString = "From AbstractBuilder";
R result = (R)this;
return result;
static class ObjectBase {
public String objectString;
static class Foo extends ObjectBase
public String fooValue;
static class FooBuilder extends AbstractBuilder<Foo, FooBuilder> {
protected Foo factory() {
return new Foo();
public FooBuilder fooSpecific() {
this.instance.fooValue = "From FooBuilder";
return this;
static class Bar extends ObjectBase
public String barValue;
static class BarBuilder extends AbstractBuilder<Bar, BarBuilder> {
protected Bar factory() {
return new Bar();
public BarBuilder barSpecific() {
instance.barValue = "From BarBuilder";
return this;
public static void main(String[] args) {
FooBuilder fooBuilder = new FooBuilder();
BarBuilder barBuilder = new BarBuilder();
Foo foo = fooBuilder.doSomething().fooSpecific().build();
Bar bar = barBuilder.doSomething().barSpecific().build();
I’m not sure if this is a named pattern or not, but it definitely fits what I would consider the description of a design pattern.
The purpose of this design pattern is to be able to share common functions of fluent-like interfaces and might typically be applied to the builder pattern for example.
Intent: Allow a subclass to automatically override the return type of a method on its parent class
The general class diagram for the pattern is:
General: Class diagram for the general case of the pattern.
And in the case of Java like languages:
Java/C#: Class diagram for the pattern in the case of java like languages.